
玉竹加盟网 2023-06-26 01:44:39


the word in brief

Volodymyr Zelensky, Ukraine’s president, warned that Russia was preparing for a big offensive in his country’s eastern Donbas region. Speaking at his nightly wartime address, he cast doubt on Russia’s pledge, made during negotiations this week, that it would scale down military operations. “We do not believe anyone—we do not trust any beautiful verbal constructions,” he said. Officials said they are sending 45 buses to evacuate civilians from Mariupol, a city in the region. Earlier this week Vladimir Putin called for Mariupol to surrender.


Vladimir Putin threatened to stop gas deliveries to dozens of “unfriendly countries” from Friday unless buyers pay in roubles. Olaf Scholz, Germany’s chancellor, called the demand “blackmail” and said Germany would not accede to it. Separately America said it would release around 180m barrels of oil from its strategic reserves over the next six months to combat high energy prices. It said other countries “are expected to join” the plan. Joe Biden also called on Congress to make oil companies pay fees on unused wells, in an attempt to boost domestic production.


Ukraine’s head negotiator said that it would take at least a year for the country to hold a referendum on whether to become a neutral country. Ukrainian neutrality is a key Russian demand and it was discussed at peace talks in Turkey on Tuesday. The Ukrainian delegation also presented their conditions for the end of the war. Dmitry Peskov, a spokesperson for the Kremlin, told Reuters, a news agency, that he saw no sign of a breakthrough yet.


Russia drafted 134,500 conscripts into its army, but said the soldiers would have nothing to do with Ukraine. Some conscripts have already been involved in Russia’s invasion, however. Earlier, American and European officials said Vladimir Putin has been misinformed by his aides about the Russian army’s poor performance in Ukraine. A spokeswoman for the Biden administration said the Russian president’s “senior advisers are too afraid to tell him the truth”.


The rouble recovered to its pre-war value despite the West’s sanctions on Russia. The currency, which crashed in early March, traded at 76 to the dollar on Thursday, a stronger rate than before Russia’s invasion. Russia has imposed capital controls and raised interest rates to 20% to protect its currency.

卢布恢复到战前价值 ,尽管俄罗斯在西方制裁下。这个货币,在三月份早期,在周四美金兑卢布汇率为1:76,比原先俄罗斯入侵时的汇率强劲的多。俄罗斯强制对首都进行资本控制,并提高20%的利率来保护 货币。

A prosecutor in Turkey requested that the murder trial of Jamal Khashoggi, a Saudi journalist, be moved to Saudi Arabia. Khashoggi was killed inside the Saudi consulate in Istanbul in 2018, causing a diplomatic row. But in recent months Turkey has looked to Saudi Arabia for economic support,

在土耳其的一个原告律师要求将沙特记者Jamal Khashogg挪到沙特阿拉伯。Khashogg在伊斯坦布尔领事馆于2018年被杀,造成了外交纠纷,但是在最近几个月,土耳其正在寻求沙特阿拉伯的经济援助。

Consumer spending in America grew by just 0.2% in February from the month before, compared with 2.7% in January. The Federal Reserve’s preferred inflation measure rose, with prices 6.4% higher in February than a year earlier • GoTo Group, an Indonesian tech giant, said it plans to raise $1.1bn in an IPO later this month. The company, which was formed after a merger between two of Indonesia’s biggest startups Gojek and Tokopedia, is valued at about $28bn.

在2月份,美国消费性支出只增长了0.2%,同比一月份的增长为2.7%,美联储的通货膨胀指标上升,比去年2月份增加了6.4%,goto 团队,一个印尼科技巨头,表示计划这个月投入公募11亿美金这个公司,是由印尼最大的两个创业企业Gojek 和Tokopedia合并形成的,市值大约为280亿。

Fact of the day: $150bn, the value of India’s software-services exports last year—almost 6% of the country’s GDP.




Ukraine’s European aspirations

Even as they fend off Russia’s attacks, Ukraine’s politicians have repeatedly made a plea for the country’s post-war future: it would like to become a member of the European Union.


Ukraine’s demands for immediate membership are unrealistic. Preparation for joining the EU requires adopting the bloc’s rules, which even countries at peace struggle with.


But eastern European members, such as Bulgaria and the Czech Republic, would like Ukraine to be designated a candidate for accession, or at least promised it will be allowed to join if it carries out the required reforms.


The EU’s original members, such as France and the Netherlands, are cooler, worried about problems in existing members such as Poland and Hungary. A rapprochement between Ukraine and the EU preceded Russia’s invasion of bits of Ukraine in 2014.But recently Russia has suggested it would not object to Ukraine joining. Having already launched an all-out war, it has nothing left with which to stymie Ukraine’s European ambitions.


OPEC+, the cruel cartel

OPEC 关键的企业联盟

The world may be heading for the most powerful energy shock since the 1970s. With Russia’s significant petroleum exports reduced, consuming economies are looking to the Organisation of the Petroleum Exporting Countries for relief.


The oil cartel, led by Saudi Arabia, will meet virtually on Thursday with a broader group of countries, including Russia, that together comprise OPEC+. With oil markets tight, prices above $100 a barrel and the prospect of further disruptions from the war in Ukraine, a big increase in output would be welcomed by politicians concerned about soaring petrol prices and rising inflation.


Alas, OPEC+ is unlikely to ride to the rescue. One reason is loyalty to Russia. Another is concern about a fresh wave of covid-19 cases weakening growth and demand for oil. All 23 of the experts surveyed by Bloomberg, a publisher, predict that the cartel will stick to plans for only a modest increase in production.

唉,OPEC 不可能快速去援救,一个原因是对俄罗斯的忠诚。另一个担心是关于新一波的新冠导致增长疲软,石油需求增加。彭博社,一家出版社提出,23个专家通过调查,预测卡特尔将会坚持计划,唯一的方法是增加生产。

By Invitation: Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya on Belarus and Ukraine

受邀: 白俄罗斯Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya和乌克兰

This is an excerpt from a guest essay by the Belarusian opposition leader.


Belarus can’t be free without a free Ukraine and vice versa. The 674-mile long border between them means that a Russian-controlled autocrat in Minsk, our capital, can always threaten Ukrainian stability. Dismantling Alexander Lukashenko’s dictatorship in Belarus would help Ukraine win the war. And there could be no stronger punishment for the Kremlin than seeing Russia share a border with a democratic Belarus. Furthermore, a Ukrainian victory would make democracy in Belarus far more likely to emerge.


Europe is more secure if Belarus is free To avoid pressure, Mr Lukashenko will try to coax and cajole Western leaders as his fortunes change. He is already threatening to station Russian nuclear weapons in Belarus. (He removed the constitutional provision that had previously made Belarus a non-nuclear country in a sham referendum in February.) Mr Lukashenko may even eventually pose as a peacemaker. Dont be fooled: you can’t plead for peace while bombing your neighbours.



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