
玉竹加盟网 2023-06-15 22:26:05

【导读】729 Update:UniversitytopunishfemalestudentwhoaccusedinnocentworkerofsecretlytakingphotosofherAfteracollegegirldeliberatelyaccusedaninnocentworkeroftakingsecretphonesofherinasubwayinSouthChinasGua...

729 Update: University to punish female student who accused innocent worker of secretly taking photos of her

After a college girl deliberately accused an innocent worker of taking secret phones of her in a subway in South Chinas Guangzhou and revealed his personal information, which aroused widespread criticism online, Southwest Chinas Sichuan University said on Monday that it has got contact with local police and the female student to check the situation, vowing to punish the student in accordance with the schools procedures, and disciplinary guidelines.


The universitys response topped the trending topics on Chinas Twitter-like social media platform Sina Weibo on Monday with more than 620 million views and comments as of 2 pm, following the hashtag linked to the students apology on Sunday evening which gained more than 560 million views and comments on Weibo.


The girl received widespread criticism online for libel and directing cyber violence to the innocent man, who was suspected of using smartphone to sneak photos of the college girl on the subway but then proved his innocence by allowing the girl to check his empty photo album. But the girl still exposed the mans face in a video clip on Weibo on Wednesday and described him as "a wretched and sordid geezer with skillful secret photography technique."

该女生在网上受到了广泛的批评,认为她诽谤并将网络暴力指向无辜的男子,该男子被怀疑在地铁上使用智能手机偷拍女大学生,但后来通过允许该女生查看他的空相册来证明自己的清白。但女孩在周三的微博视频短片中仍然暴露了该男子的面目,并将其描述为 "一个拥有熟练的秘密摄影技术的可恶和肮脏的怪人"。


/ˈlaɪbəl/,〔书面的〕诽谤,中伤,动词,英英释义为:when someone writes or prints untrue statements about someone so that other people could have a bad opinion of them 


Holt sued the newspaper for libel.


The 56-year-old innocent man, with the company of his son, has reported the incident to the local police on Sunday, requesting an apology, otherwise theyll sue the girl for slandering. According to the mans son, the man doesnt go online often or even know how to use smartphones and he knew the incident on Saturday evening after a friend sent him the video.



/ˈslɑːndə/,〔口头的〕诽谤,诋毁,名词,英英释义为:a falsespoken statement about someone, intended to damage the good opinionthat people have of that person  


When Mrs Frey, visibly shaken, said this was untrue, the man quoted the presidents slander of John McCain.


The college girl rushed to the police station on Sunday, crying for forgiveness from the man and his son as the school may suspend her for the incident. 



/səˈspend/,〔尤指因违规〕使…暂时停学[停职],动词,英英释义为:to make someone leave their school or job for a short time, especially because they have broken the rules 


The two police officers have been suspended until an enquiry is carried out.


"My uncle, Im sorry. I really made a mistake. I should not have released the video clip online and portray your image improperly after confirming you are innocent. Ive realized how this incident would deeply hurt you and your family. I seriously extend my grave apology and receive the criticism and correct my mistakes," said the girl later on Sunday on Sina Weibo.


A few days ago, the girl posted a video where she questioned a man squatting while holding a smartphone in his hands if he was furtively taking photos of her in the subway. She demanded to check his photo album but found no such photos. However, the girl still posted the mans face online and claimed her interest had been violated.


The innocent man decided to forgive the girl. "We are peasant worker. She has much higher education level than we do. We dont want the school to suspend or ask her for compensation. As long as she apologizes, well give her a chance," said the mans son.


Despite the girls apology and the mans decision of not holding her responsible, netizens expressed their great anger over the girls cyber bullying activities.


"She still chose to attack and defame the innocent man without any hesitation or any concern of how such violence could hurt him," said one netizen. "She is exploiting symbols of womens rights to legitimately harm innocent individuals, which seriously damaged the social credibility for women to truly protect their rights and exacerbated gender divisions in the society," commented another.


On Friday, the Supreme Peoples Court, the Supreme Peoples Procuratorate, and the Ministry of Public Security released a draft for comment about punishing cyber violence and criminal activities, saying severe online slandering and insulting could be punished as crime of defamation and insult in accordance with Chinas Criminal Law.


From:Global Times




libel  [n]〔书面的〕诽谤,中伤

slander [n/v]〔口头的〕诽谤,诋毁

suspend [v]〔尤指因违规〕使…暂时停学[停职]







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