
玉竹加盟网 2023-06-15 01:20:51


Chinese university athletes said they are eager to compete against their global counterparts at the upcoming 31st FISU Summer World University Games, to once again show the world a welcoming and inclusive Chengdu and China, as the torch relay for the Games kicked off on Saturday at Peking University in Beijing.

中国大学生运动员表示,他们渴望在即将到来的第31届世界大学生夏季运动会上与世界运动员同台竞技, 再次向世界展示一个热情包容的成都和中国, 周六,成都大运会火炬传递启动仪式在北京拉开帷幕。

Vice-Premier Ding Xuexiang, who is also a member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, lit the torch from a caldron at the ceremony and announced the start of the relay.

中共中央政治局常委、国务院副总理丁薛祥 点燃成都大运会火炬,并宣布火炬传递开始。

Leonz Eder, FISU acting president, said in a video message that the flame of the University Games represents light, unity, friendship and peace, and also the skill, courage and tenacity of university athletes who have to strike a balance between competitive sports and study.

FISU代理主席Leonz Eder在视频中表示,大学运动会的圣火代表着光明、团结、友谊与和平, 也代表着大学生们的技能、勇气和坚韧,他们能够平衡自己的竞技体育和学习生活。

Thirty-one torchbearers participated in the event, carrying the flame past the universitys landmarks.


Four torchbearers from four previous summer and winter University Games held on the Chinese mainland joined the relay, in a demonstration of the enduring spirit of university sports.

前四届在中国大陆举行的大学生夏季和冬季运动会的四名火炬手参加了火炬传递, 展示了大学体育不朽的精神。

The relay will also be held in Harbin in Heilongjiang province, Shenzhen in Guangdong province, Chongqing municipality, and Yibin and Chengdu in Sichuan province. The flame will be used to light the caldron tower on July 28.火炬接力还将经过黑龙江省哈尔滨、广东深圳、重庆市, 以及四川宜宾和成都。7月28日,圣火将用于引燃火种盆。Ding Ning, a student representative of PKU and an Olympic champion, said she made use of her sporting spirit in her studies and work, as well as to contribute to the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.北京大学学生代表、奥运冠军丁宁表示,她在学习、工作, 以及为中华民族的伟大复兴作出贡献时,充分体现自己的体育精神。Table tennis legend Deng Yaping said the panda on the torch is a symbol of Sichuan province and China as a whole.乒乓球传奇人物邓亚萍表示,火炬上的熊猫是四川省和中国的象征。"I believe many athletes will love the torch, although not all of them can be torchbearers, so I feel extremely happy and honored," she said.她说:“并非所有的运动员都能成为火炬手,但我相信很多运动员都会喜欢火炬传递,所以我既高兴又倍感荣幸。”Other torchbearers during the first leg of the relay included Olympic shooting champion Yang Ling and Olympic gymnastics champion Zou Jingyuan, as well as university students.参加首棒传递的火炬手还有射击奥运冠军杨凌和体操奥运冠军邹敬园, 以及其他大学生。The games will be held from July 28 to Aug 8 after being delayed twice due to COVID-19. Chengdu is the third mainland city to host the biennial Summer University Games, following Beijing in 2001 and Shenzhen in 2011.奥运会将于7月28日至8月8日举行,此前因新冠肺炎推迟两次。成都是继2001年北京和2011年深圳之后,中国大陆第三个举办两年一度大学生夏季运动会的城市。The Shanghai International Film Festival kicked off on a triumphant note Friday night in Chinas commercial capital as the countrys film industry threw open its doors to the global film community.上周五晚,上海国际电影节在中国商业之都盛大开幕,中国电影业向全球电影界敞开大门。That was certainly true Friday night as a sequence of directors and stars hit Shanghais red carpet. Jason Statham provided some Hollywood star power with an appearance alongside English filmmaker Ben Wheatley, the director of Warner Bros. blockbuster sequel, Meg 2: The Trench, which opens Aug. 4, and co-stars Chinese leading man Wu Jing. During this period, Wu Jing and Jason Statham frequently interacted, causing a sensation. WuJing and Jason Statham were spotted by a Chinese netizen enjoying dumpings together at the citys landmark Bund. 周五晚上,一系列导演和明星走上上海红毯,这可充分证明中国电影业对世界的开放程度。杰森·斯坦森与英国电影制片人本·维特利一起亮相,助涨好莱坞明星力量。本·维特利执导华纳轰动一时的电影续集《巨齿鲨2:深渊》将于8月4日上映。该电影于中国男主角吴京联袂主演。在此期间,吴京和杰森斯坦森频频互动,引起轰动。一名中国网民发现吴京和杰森·斯坦森在地标性建筑外滩一起吃饺子。Director Chen Daming walked the carpet with actors Zhang Hanyu and Vivi, the lead cast of his upcoming crime drama Unspoken for Huanxi Media. And the team behind The Ex-Files 4: Marriage Plan, the latest installment of the hit comedy franchise, was also out in force. They included the films lead producer Wang Zhonglei, the director Tian Hanyu and the full starring cast: Han Geng, Zheng Kai, Yu Wenwen, Zhu Yanmanzi, Zeng Mengxue and Luo Mi. There were scores more Chinese stars in attendance. 导演陈大明与演员张涵予和薇薇一起走在地毯上,这两位演员是他在欢喜传媒即将上映的犯罪题材电视剧《无所畏惧》的主演。这部热门喜剧系列的最新一部《前任档案4:英年早婚》的幕后团队也在大举推广。其中包括电影的主要制片人王中磊,导演田汉宇和全部主演:韩庚,郑恺,于文文, 朱颜曼滋、曾梦雪、罗米。还有很多中国明星也出席现场。Hollywood theatrical earnings in China remain far below pre-pandemic benchmarks, but on the whole, the Chinese film market has resumed some energy — and the mood in the local industry is optimistic. Regulatory headwinds have abated and the feeling among industry veterans is that the government wants to see the movie sector thrive commercially again. At the end of May, the total year-to-date box office in China was $3.2 billion (RMB 22.1 billion), a 45 percent improvement over the same period last year, when COVID lockdowns were decimating the industry.好莱坞在中国的院线电影票房收入仍远低于疫情前的水平,但总体来说, 中国电影市场已经恢复了一些活力,中国电影业的前景是可观的。监管方面的阻力已经减弱,业内资深人士认为,政府希望看到电影行业再次在商业上蓬勃发展。截至5月底,今年迄今的中国总票房为32亿美元(221亿元人民币), 与去年同期相比提高了45%,当时因为疫情封锁,行业发展受到阻碍。Running June 9-18, Shanghais Golden Goblet competition screenings comprise five sections: Main Competition, Asian New Talent, Animation Film, Documentary Film, and Short Film. Acclaimed Polish director Jerzy Skolimowski, an Oscar nominee earlier this year for EO, is heading the jury for Shanghais main competition, which also includes Indias Nandita Das, Indonesias Garin Nugroho, German cinematographer Lutz Reitemeier and Chinas Song Jia, Vivian Qu and Zhang Lu. Winners will be announced at a ceremony in the Shanghai Grand Theater on June 17.上海金杯奖于6月9日至18日举行,放映活动分为五个部分:主竞赛、亚洲新秀、动漫电影、 纪录片和短片。今年早些时候,备受赞誉的波兰导演Jerzy Skolimowski凭借《EO》获得奥斯卡提名,他将担任上海主竞赛的评审团负责人。评审团中还有印度的Nandita Das,印度尼西亚的Garin Nugroho,德国摄影师Lutz Reitemeier和中国的宋佳, 文晏和张璐。6月17日,上海大剧院举行的颁奖仪式上将揭晓获奖名单。素材来源:China Daily







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