
玉竹加盟网 2023-07-05 22:44:23


It has been more than a week since the tragic deaths of the five passengers onboard the submersible Titan. Now, the wife of one of the ill-fated passengers has opened up about how their last moments must have looked like.泰坦号潜水器上的五名乘客不幸遇难已经过去一周多了。现在,其中一名遇难乘客的妻子公开了他们最后时刻真实的状态。Speaking to the New York Times, Christine Dawood, who is related to two passengers; Shahzada Dawood and Suleman Dawood revealed, that in their last moments, they mustve been sharing music as the insides of the pod moved deeper into the ocean.接受《纽约时报》采访时,两名乘客的亲属克里斯汀·达伍德、沙赫扎达·达伍德和苏勒曼·达伍德透露, 在他们生命的最后时刻,潜水器内部正向深海移动时,他们一定是在分享音乐。As per the report, the submersibles journey underwater was roughly supposed to take two and a half hours. The Titan typically descended at about 25 metres per minute or roughly one mile per hour and the speed was slow enough that there was no sense of motion.报道称,潜水器下降大约需要两个半小时。泰坦通常以每分钟约25米的速度下降,或者是大约每小时1英里的速度,这速度很慢,没有移动的感觉。Hours leading to the tragic descent悲剧降临的几个小时Christine Dawood recalls that in the hours leading to the tragic event, the passengers prepared for a unique journey to explore the wreckage of the Titanic; a journey that wouldve added their names to the list of people who have seen the famous shipwreck in person, but instead ended in a tragedy.克里斯汀·达伍德回忆说,这一悲剧发生的几个小时内, 乘客们准备进行一次独特的旅程,来探索泰坦尼克号的残骸;这段旅程中,他们背面本可以亲眼目睹这艘著名沉船,并作为目击者名列其中,但结果却以悲剧告终。As the passengers prepared for the final dive, Hamish Harding posted updates on social media, sharing photos and expressing excitement. Little did he know that these posts would be his last.乘客们为最后一次潜水做准备时,哈米什·哈丁在社交媒体上发布了最新消息,分享照片并表达了激动的心情。他没想到这些帖子会成为最后发文。

A sunny day takes a dark turn阳光明媚的日子会变得一片漆黑As the Titan descended into the depths of the ocean, Christine remained on the support ship, watching the submersible disappear beneath the waves. The sun was shining, and everything seemed calm and promising.泰坦沉入海洋深处时,克里斯汀留在了支援船上,看着潜水器消失在海浪中。阳光明媚,一切似乎平静而充满希望。Shahzadas enthusiasm was palpable, exclaiming, "Im diving tomorrow! Im diving tomorrow!" His anticipation was infectious, and Christine recalled how he resembled a joyful child.沙赫扎达热情张扬,他惊呼道:“我明天要潜水!我明天要潜水!”他的期待感染着大家,克里斯汀回忆起当时,沙赫扎达多么像一个快乐的孩子。Just hours later, Christine overheard murmurs about a loss of communication with the Titan. The United States Coast Guard confirmed the disconnection after one hour and forty-five minutes into the dive.就在几个小时后,克里斯汀无意中听到了泰坦失联的消息。潜水一小时四十五分钟后,美国海岸警卫队证实泰坦失联。Four days later, the Coast Guard announced the discovery of debris from the Titan, indicating its implosion and the instantaneous loss of all onboard.四天后,海岸警卫队宣布发现了泰坦的残骸,这表明泰坦发生了内爆,船上所有人员瞬间身亡。China on Tuesday said the report released by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) should not be a permission for Japans discharge of nuclear-contaminated water into the ocean, urging Japan to work with the IAEA to put in place a long-term international monitoring mechanism.周二,中国表示,国际原子能机构发布的报告不应是对日本向海洋排放核污水的许可, 并敦促日本与国际原子能机构合作,建立一个长期的国际监督机制。A Chinese foreign ministry spokesperson made the remarks when asked to comment on the report, which believes that Japans plan to discharge the nuclear-contaminated water into the sea complies with international safety standards, saying that the IAEA will conduct long-term monitoring over Japans discharge activities.有人提问,对这份报告有何评论时,中国外交部发言人发表了上述言论, 认为日本将核污水排放入海的计划符合国际安全标准, 表示国际原子能机构将对日本的核污水排放进行长期监测。The spokesperson said it is learned that the report failed to fully reflect views from experts that participated in the review, and the conclusion was not shared by all experts. The Chinese side regrets the hasty release of the report.这位发言人说,据悉,该报告未能充分反映参审专家的意见, 并不是所有的专家都认同这一结论。中方对该报告仓促发布表示遗憾。Due to its limited mandate, the IAEA failed to review the justification and legitimacy of Japans ocean discharge plan, assess the long-term effectiveness of Japans purification facility and corroborate the authenticity and accuracy of Japans nuclear-contaminated water data. Therefore, the conclusion is largely limited and incomplete, the spokesperson said.由于授权有限,国际原子能机构未能审查日本排放核污水进大洋计划的合理性和合法性, 无法评估日本净化设施的长期有效性,无法证实日本核污染水数据的真实性和准确性。因此,这一结论在很大程度上是有限且不完整的,这位发言人说。

Simply for saving cost, Japan has insisted on discharging the nuclear-contaminated water into the sea in disregard of the concerns and opposition from the international community and taken the Pacific Ocean as the "sewer," the spokesperson said.日本仅为了节省成本, 不顾国际社会的关切和反对,执意将核污水排放入海,将太平洋视为核污水的“下水道”, 这位发言人说。"Will Japans purification facility be effective in the long-term? Can the international community be timely informed when the discharged water exceeds the discharge limit? What impact will the long term accumulation and concentration of radionuclides bring to the marine environment, food safety and peoples health? These are the questions that the IAEA report failed to answer," the spokesperson said.“长远来看,日本的净化设施会有效吗?如果污水排放超过限值,日本能否及时告知国际社会?放射性核素的长期积累和浓缩将给海洋环境、食品安全和人民健康带来哪些影响?这些都是国际原子能机构报告未能回答的问题,”这位发言人表示。"We once again urge the Japanese side to stop its ocean discharge plan, and earnestly dispose of the nuclear-contaminated water in a science-based, safe and transparent manner," the spokesperson said.“我们再次敦促日方停止其核污水排海计划,切实以科学、安全和透明的方式处理核污水, 发言人说。素材来源:MSN、中国网







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